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How to ensure the comparison result still hold in multi-threading?

Suppose there are 3 threads,

Thread 1 and 2 will increase or decrease a global variable X atomically.

thread 1:


thread 2:


Thread 3 will check if the X is greater than some predefined value and do things accordingly.

thread 3:

if( X > 5 ) {... logic 1 ...}
else {... logic 2 ....}

I think the atomic_xxx operations are not enough. They can only synchronize the modifications between thread 1 and 2.

What if X is changed by thread 1 or 2 after thread 3 finishes the comparison and enters logic 1.

Do I have to use a mutex to synchronize all the 3 threads when modifying or reading the X?


BTW, logic 1 and logic 2 don't modify the X.

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smwikipedia Avatar asked Dec 15 '21 09:12


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2 Answers

In short yes, reads also need to be synchronized in some way, otherwise the risk of inconsistent reads is real. A read performed between the read and write of atomic_increase will be inconsistent.

However if logic 1 or logic 2 do stuff to X, your problems doesn't seem to stop right there. I think then you need the concept of a transaction, where it starts with a read (the X > 5 thing) and then ends with a write (logic 1 or logic 2).

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mlntdrv Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10


Yes, And the Answer is happens before link, Lets say Thread-1 started executing atomic_increase method. It will hold the lock and enter the synchronized block to update X.

private void atomic_increase() {
    synchronized (lock) {
        X = X + 1;  // <-- Thread-1 entered synchronized block, yet to update variable X

Now, for Thread-3 to run the logic, it needs to read the variable X, and if it is not synchronized (on the same monitor), the variable X read can be an old value since it may not yet updated by Thread-1.

private void runLogic() {
    if (X > 5) { // <-- Reading X here, can be inconsistent no 
                   happens-before between atomic_increase and runLogic
    } else {


We could have prevented this by maintaining a happens-before link between atomic operation and run_logic method. If the runLogic is synchronized (on the same monitor) , then it would have to wait until the variable X to be updated by the Thread-1. So we are guaranteed to get the last updated value of X

private void runLogic() {
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (X > 5) { // <-- Reading X here, will be consistent, since there 
                       is happens-before between atomic_increase and runLogic 
        } else {

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Turtle Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
