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How to ensure that Spyder runs within a conda environment?

I created a conda environment called testenv in Windows 10 that contains Python 3.6 and Spyder. I also installed Selenium using the method described in this answer. I checked that these packages are installed with

conda list -n testenv

To run Spyder in that environment I followed the instructions in this answer and its related comments. So I activated the environment with

activate testenv

which modified the prompt to indicate that testenv is active. Then I typed


to launch Spyder. (When Spyder opens, my command window automatically closes, and if I open another one without closing Spyder, and I issue the command conda info -e, the output indicates that testenv is no longer active.) At this point, when I run code within Spyder that contains the line

from selenium import webdriver

the Spyder console reports

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'selenium'

My questions are:

Is Spyder really running in testenv? If so, why is this error being reported? If not, what am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Further research turned up the aptly-named thread "Spyder does not run in Anaconda virtual environment on Windows 10". I followed the suggestion, in the accepted answer, of installing Spyder after activating the environment, but that just returned the message

# All requested packages already installed.
# packages in environment at C:\Anaconda3\envs\testenv:
spyder                    3.2.2                    py36_0

One of that answer's comments suggests using where spyder within the active environment to check which executables are available. This returned


So I tried starting Spyder by typing the full path of the second entry. Spyder opened, and my program ran without errors. This seems to have solved the problem.

like image 565
Robert Avatar asked Sep 10 '17 16:09


2 Answers

I issued the command where spyder within the active environment to check the locations of Spyder's executables. This returned


So I started Spyder by typing the full path of the second entry, and my program ran without errors.

like image 105
Robert Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 19:11


You can also use the Windows based link that is generated in the Windows menu. The steps:

  1. (in anaconda:) activate testenv

  2. (in anaconda testenv:) conda install spyder

  3. Look up the windows menu "recently added", find spyder (testenv) and [add that to taskbar] and / or [look up the file source location] and copy that to your desktop. In my case, the latter approach opened the directory C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit) where the spyder links for any of my environments could be found; you can then copy them to your desktop for a direct start without the need to open anaconda prompt.

like image 26
questionto42standswithUkraine Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11
