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How to end TextView with 3 dots by using maxLength

I have a TextView in my layout which is wrap_content in layout_width. It is limited to maximum of 15 characters so I'm using maxLength.

I need to end this TextView with 3 dots (...) and it happens only when I give the layout_width a fixed size in dp, something that I don't want to do.

I know it is possible programmatically by trimming the string after the 15th character and then adding the 3 dots, but I prefer to do that by XML.

Any idea how to end the text with 3 dots and leave it wrap_content?

<TextView     android:id="@+id/inbox_contactName"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:lines="1"     android:maxLines="1"     android:ellipsize="end"     android:singleLine="true"     android:maxLength="15"     android:textColor="#0670b4"     android:textSize="16sp" /> 
like image 310
Yaniv Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 07:10


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1 Answers

This will solve your problem, Use ellipsize Property in your XML Code

android:ellipsize="end" <!-- This makes the magic ... thing --> android:maxEms="15" <!-- Limit of the Text --> android:singleLine="true" <!-- In case if you want everything in one line --> 

Edit: singleLine is deprecated. Use maxlines="1" instead.

like image 136
Kirk Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10
