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How to encrypt and decrypt a string/text in shell (linux environment)



I have a string, which is actually password. I want to encrypt the string and want to store the encrypted result in a parameter file. Next during execution of a script that encrypted string will be picked up and in run time that will be decrypt. So I want to know how to encrypt and decrypt a string/text in linux environment?

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Koushik Chandra Avatar asked Nov 15 '15 09:11

Koushik Chandra

People also ask

How do I encrypt and decrypt in Linux?

In order to decrypt an encrypted file on Linux, you have to use the “gpg” command with the “-d” option for “decrypt” and specify the “. gpg” file that you want to decrypt. Again, you will be probably be prompted with a window (or directly in the terminal) for the passphrase.

2 Answers

This isn't quite what was being asked for here but it shows a simple way to do this without a password prompt


openssl version
LibreSSL 2.8.3


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo $1 | openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pass pass:somepassword


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo $1 | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -pass pass:somepassword

make files executable

chmod +x encode.sh decode.sh

encode example

./encode.sh "this is my test string"
# => U2FsdGVkX18fjSHGEzTXU08q+GG2I4xrV+GGtfDLg+T3vxpllUc/IHnRWLgoUl9q

decode example

./decode.sh U2FsdGVkX18fjSHGEzTXU08q+GG2I4xrV+GGtfDLg+T3vxpllUc/IHnRWLgoUl9q
# => this is my test string
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casonadams Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


openssl can do it better.


$ secret=$(echo "this is a secret." | openssl enc -e -des3 -base64 -pass pass:mypasswd -pbkdf2)


$ echo "${secret}" | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:mypasswd -pbkdf2


  • you can remove arg -pass and intput password according to the prompt.
like image 42
zhanw15 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
