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How to enable "Tracing" in Isabelle/jEdit



I'm a vim fan, but only emacs has this Isabelle/HOL environment. jEdit is great, but I cannot use

using [[simp_trace=true]]

like in emacs.

How to enable "Tracing" in jEdit?

like image 793
njuguoyi Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 01:09


2 Answers

You can indeed use simp_trace in the middle of a proof in Isabelle/jEdit, like so:

lemma "(2 :: nat) + 2 = 4"
  using [[simp_trace]]
  apply simp

Alternatively, you can declare it globally, like so:

declare [[simp_trace]]

lemma "(2 :: nat) + 2 = 4"
  apply simp

Both give you the simplifier's trace in the "Output" window when your cursor is just after the apply simp statement in jEdit.

like image 164
davidg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


If you need a trace depth deeper than 1 (default), you fine-tune it by

declare [[simp_trace_depth_limit=4]] 

This example then gives a trace depth of 4.

like image 29
Holger B Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Holger B