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How to enable other websites to embed my website's content using only content link?

I have been spending my past week on the Internet to find at least one hint about it. There are no tutorials or even SO questions available. What I am trying to find is that when some website uses some library like oEmbed to embed content of other websites on their website, they fetch embed code from its link. For example, when you post a YouTube link on Facebook or other social networks, they automatically fetch their embed code. I know how to fetch embed code but what I don't know is how to provide embed code that can be fetched by other websites by using a link of my website's content?

I want that my article should be embedded in some special way. Not like the default layout of that website. So is there any META tag or something in HTML where I can put embed code for other websites?

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Aishwarya Shiva Avatar asked Nov 26 '22 07:11

Aishwarya Shiva

1 Answers

I don't think what you want is possible. You can use special meta-tags that specific sites (e.g.: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) will interpret, and that will help you customize the share a little (still using the "host site" style). But as far as I know, there's nothing you can do to provide style/code of your own.

And it makes sense from a security point of view: embedding external code from an unknown source is potentially dangerous and no site would/should allow you to do it. Even if they do allow it, they should pre-process the code and sanitize it (adapting your style/code to their style/code) to prevent possible threats.

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Alvaro Montoro Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 19:11

Alvaro Montoro