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How to enable harmony syntax support in coffeescript?

I used node.js(0.11.13) with --harmony flag and used function *() and yield keywords.

I tried to simplify my development on node.js with help of coffeescript, so far it works great but I went into troubles with yield and declaring a generator - it complains about 'reserved keyword yield'.

Any ideas?

like image 751
let4be Avatar asked Jul 11 '14 14:07


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CoffeeScript is a programming language whose syntax is clearly designed to match much of Python (with additional inspirations from Perl, ECMAScript, Ruby, etc.).

1 Answers

Another way to open the gate to the black dimension is:

co = require 'co'
sleep = require 'co-sleep'

    console.log 'hi!'
    `yield sleep(1000)`
    console.log 'bye!'

It's seems to be perfectly valid coffee-script, though, webstorm cofeescript plugin cries about errors, but it works.

Also the following solution(vanilla coffeescript and gulp) is possible:

co      = require 'co'
sleep   = require 'co-sleep'
$       = (cor) -> cor
$yield  = (cor) -> cor

do co $ ->
    console.log "hi!"
    $yield sleep(1000)
    console.log "bye!"

gulp.task 'node-js', ->
    gulp.src config.srcServerJs, {base: config.srcServerJsBase}
    .pipe plumb()
    .pipe coffee()
    .pipe replace(/\$\(function\(/g, '\$(function*(')
    .pipe replace(/\$yield\(/g, 'yield (')
    .pipe gulp.dest(config.dstServerJs)

magic: no errors in IDE :)

Update After trying and reading a lot of stuff about coffee, ecma6 and its future I decided to give up on coffeescript and go with ECMA6 with support of traceur for both node.js and client-side

like image 197
let4be Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
