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How to enable H2 Database Server Mode in Spring Boot

I'm using a H2 database with a file using Spring Boot.

In my application.properties, I have this entry:


But now I would like to be able to look at the database while running the application, which currently isn't possible because I need to have the database running in server mode in order to do so. In the documentation I found that I have to add AUTO_SERVER=TRUE to the URL but this doesn't solve the problem.

So, what do I have to change to be able to connect to that database from different processes at the same time ?

thanks for any help! Thorsten

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user1119859 Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 12:04


People also ask

What is spring H2 console enabled?

H2 database has an embedded GUI console for browsing the contents of a database and running SQL queries. By default, the H2 console is not enabled in Spring. To enable it, we need to add the following property to application.properties: spring.h2.console.enabled=true.

2 Answers

You can start the H2 TCP server as a bean:

    <!-- <scope>runtime</scope> -->
public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

    @Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop")
    public Server h2Server() throws SQLException {
        return Server.createTcpServer("-tcp", "-tcpAllowOthers", "-tcpPort", "9092");

Then connect to it from your IDE with the following params (password - empty):

url: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/mem:testdb
user: sa

More info is here and here.

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Cepr0 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


You can enable h2 web console to access your h2 in memory or in file database using a web interface in your browser.

therefor add in application.properties the lines:


after that restart your spring boot application and check http://localhost:8080/h2-console with your browser.

like image 43
Sma Ma Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Sma Ma