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How to enable capitalization on the virtual keyboard for an Android Compose TextField?

I've recently started moving to Compose to make my UIs in Android. So far I like it, but I'm still struggling to find the right documentation sometimes. So I'm sorry if this question is very obvious!

In the app I'm currently working on, I have a TextField that is used to enter the title of a message. Everything works fine, except that the virtual (on-screen) keyboard doesn't by default enable caps lock for the first letter. Is it possible to enable caps lock on the virtual keyboard for a TextField, and if so, how? It's only necessary for the first character in the TextField (or in a sentence, it's a title field so there should only be one sentence), if a user wants to capitalize more they are welcome to do it themselves :) So what I'm basically looking for is the Compose version of the android:inputType="textCapSentences" XML-attribute of the EditText.

My code for the TextField is below. Some background in case that helps: the TextField is inside a Stack which also holds a Text. I use that to display a hint in case the TextField is empty. The Stack is inside a Column, which in it's turn is inside a VerticalScroller that wraps the whole screen. I'm using Android Studio 4.0 Canary 7.

Thanks very much in advance!

// Model saving the current state of the TextField
val modelTitle = +state{EditorModel()}
// Context (aka the Activity) necessary to get the focus and input method manager
val context = +ambient(ContextAmbient)
// Input Method Manager, to hide the keyboard
val imm = context.getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager

TextField {
    value = modelTitle.value,
    modifier = ExpandedWidth.wraps(Spacing(5.dp)),
    textStyle = TextStyle(
        color = Color.White,
        fontSize = 30.sp
    onValueChange = {
        modelTitle.value = it
    keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text,
    imeAction = ImeAction.Done,
    onImeActionPerformed = {
        // Get the view currently in focus, or make one
        var view = (context as Activity).currentFocus
        if(view == null)
            view = View(context)

        // Use the view to hide the keyboard
        imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.windowToken, 0)
like image 601
raimund89 Avatar asked Jan 03 '20 17:01


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1 Answers

You can use keyboardOptionsand KeyboardCapitalization (FYI I'm on alpha09):

    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.Sentences)
like image 53
CyrilFind Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
