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How to emulate 500-50000 worker (docker) nodes network?

So I have a worker docker images. I want to spin up a network of 500-50000 nodes to emulate what happens to a private blockchain such as etherium on different scales. What would be a recomendation for an opensource tool/library for such job:

a) one that would make sure that even on a low-endish (say one 40 cores node) all workers will be moved forward in time equaly (not realtime)

b) would allow (a) in a distributed setting (say 10 low-endish nodes on a single lan)

In other words I do not seek for realtime network emulation, so I can wait for 10 hours to simulate 1 minute and it would be good enough fro me. I thought about Kathara yet a problem still stands - how to make sure that say 10000 containers are given the same amount of ticks in a round-robin manner?

So how to emulate a complex network of docker workers?

like image 853
DuckQueen Avatar asked Oct 18 '18 21:10


People also ask

How many manager node requires have a worker node?

Worker nodes You can create a swarm of one manager node, but you cannot have a worker node without at least one manager node.

Can docker run on multiple nodes?

You can also think of this as a Docker node. You can run one or more nodes on a single physical computer or cloud server, but production swarm deployments typically include Docker nodes distributed across multiple physical and cloud machines.

1 Answers

I'm taking the assumption that you will run each inside of a container. To ensure each container runs with similar CPU access, you can configure CPU reservations and limits on each replica. These numbers get computed down to fractional slices of a core, so on an 8 core system, you could give each container 0.01 of a core to run upwards of 800 containers. See the compose documentation on how to set resource constraints. And with swarm mode, you could spread these replicas across multiple nodes, sharing a network.

That said, I think the advice to run shorter simulations on more hardware is good. You will find a significant portion of the time is spent in context switching between each process, possibly invalidating any measurements you want to take.

You will also encounter scalability issues with docker and the orchestration tool you choose. For example, you'll need to adjust the subnet size for any shared network which defaults to a /24 with around 253 available IP's. The docker engine itself will likely be spending a non-trivial amount of CPU time maintaining the state for all of the running containers.

like image 133
BMitch Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
