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How to embed images in email

I need to embed an image in e-mail. How do I do it?

I do not want to use third party tool, nor am I interested in language specific answer (but it is PHP, in case you are wondering).

I am merely interested in format of resulting e-mail body.

like image 375
Josef Sábl Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 10:11

Josef Sábl

2 Answers

As you are aware, everything passed as email message has to be textualized.

  • You must create an email with a multipart/mime message.
  • If you're adding a physical image, the image must be base 64 encoded and assigned a Content-ID (cid). If it's an URL, then the <img /> tag is sufficient (the url of the image must be linked to a Source ID).

A Typical email example will look like this:

From: foo1atbar.net To: foo2atbar.net Subject: A simple example Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="boundary-example"; type="text/html"  --boundary-example Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"  ... text of the HTML document, which might contain a URI referencing a resource in another body part, for example through a statement such as: <IMG SRC="cid:foo4atfoo1atbar.net" ALT="IETF logo">  --boundary-example Content-Location: CID:somethingatelse ; this header is disregarded Content-ID: <foo4atfoo1atbar.net> Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64  R0lGODlhGAGgAPEAAP/////ZRaCgoAAAACH+PUNv cHlyaWdodCAoQykgMTk5LiBVbmF1dGhvcml6ZWQgZHV wbGljYXRpb24gcHJvaGliaXRlZC4A etc...  --boundary-example-- 

As you can see, the Content-ID: <foo4atfoo1atbar.net> ID is matched to the <IMG> at SRC="cid:foo4atfoo1atbar.net". That way, the client browser will render your image as a content and not as an attachement.

Hope this helps.

like image 108
Buhake Sindi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Buhake Sindi

the third way is to base64 encode the image and place it in a data: url


<img src="" width="32" height="32"> 
like image 38
Dan D. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Dan D.