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How to efficiently check if a Key Value pair exists in a Javascript "dictionary" object


        var dic = {1: 11, 2: 22}

How to test if (1, 11) exists?

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LastTribunal Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 21:12


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There are mainly two methods to check the existence of a key in JavaScript Object. The first one is using “in operator” and the second one is using “hasOwnProperty() method”. Method 1: Using 'in' operator: The in operator returns a boolean value if the specified property is in the object.

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1 Answers

If you need to check both if the key exists, and has a value, the below piece of code would work best:

function hasKeySetTo(obj,key,value)
    return obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key]==value;

It only returns true if obj has a key called key and that key has value as its value.

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Entoarox Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
