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How to edit HTML in Google Drive?

I have hosted a HTML file created on my PC (along with a stylesheet) on Google Drive using the script described here.

I have given out the link and it seems to be working fine (no reported issues from those I've sent it to).

I have just discovered a minor omission from the file, I need to add another sentence. This should be ridiculously easy on a PC, I could just open it on notepad!

I can't find a way to edit it on Google Drive, the only connected apps are the viewer and Docs.

The viewer, as the name suggests, will only let me view the HTML, and the docs app won't let me save it back to the original file.

Obviously I could download it then upload again, but from experience it will probably give me a different URL.

Is there any way for me to do this while keeping the link the same, as I have already given the address out?

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user3049027 Avatar asked Mar 20 '14 09:03


1 Answers

Currently you can't. You can only preview html files, that is preview the code or preview the rendered content, but you cannot natively edit the code. You have two options:

  • use a third party extension, such as Neutron Drive or Drive Notepad.
  • install the Google Drive Desktop App, edit your files locally and save. Changes will be uploaded automatically.
like image 63
Alexander Popov Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 02:09

Alexander Popov