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How to edit an existing eclipse plugin?

I have an open source plugin, with a license that allows me to modify it, from here: http://www.jcraft.com/eclipse-jcterm/ (under the source section). I want to modify this plugin and use it on my local eclipse.

  1. Is this even possible given the jar file that I have? Or do I need more?
  2. What must I do to bring this up in eclipse (via the Eclipse plugin development view obviously)?
  3. How can I install this plugin to verify it works as I want?
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Zombies Avatar asked Sep 16 '12 16:09


People also ask

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Run Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details, select the software you no longer want and click Uninstall.

How do I manually download Eclipse plugin?

From within the Eclipse IDE, you can search the market place by using the Eclipse Marketplace dialog which can be invoked by clicking on the Help menu and selecting Eclipse Marketplace. In the screenshot above, to install PyDev-Python IDE for Eclipse , just click on the Install button.

1 Answers

  1. Download the plug-in JAR to somewhere.
  2. In Eclipse, File->Import->Plug-ins and Fragments
  3. Select the directory you saved it in, select 'Projects with source folders', Next
  4. Add the plugin, Finish

You now have an Eclipse project representing the plugin. Make your changes, and then:

  1. File->Export->Deployable plug-ins and fragments
  2. Select the plug-in, select a place to save it

I don't know of a way to do development on a plug-in that is 'live' in your instance of the IDE, so I think you'd have to install it to your copy of Eclipse by dropping it in the plugins directory, then restart.

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sharakan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10
