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How to edit a native build system in Sublime Text 2?


Ok this is very trivial question, but just cannot find answer anywhere.

I know there must be a JSON file with all the build systems somewhere, but I just cannot find it?

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galdikas Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 20:11


People also ask

How do I find the build system in Sublime Text?

Sublime Text is able to run build programs such as 'make', either when a key in pressed (F7 by default), or when a file is saved. The build system to use can be select from the Tools/Build System menu. If a project is open, the selected build system will be remembered for the project.

Where are sublime-build systems stored?

Build systems must be located somewhere under the Packages folder (e.g. Packages/User ). Many packages include their own build systems.

How do I edit a build in Sublime Text 3?

sublime-build , and it will now be accessible in the build system menu. Select it, hit Ctrl B to build, and then hit Ctrl Shift B to run the resulting program. Or you can use a Build and Run option and call it by hitting Ctrl B , then selecting that option. I Am doing that.

2 Answers

Here is the doc on ST2 build systems

The Ruby build file, for instance, is located here:

~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby/Ruby.sublime-build

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AGS Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10



Preferences ► Browse Packages will open the finder window where all the foo.sublime-build files are stored.

Build sys scripts you have created yourself should be in:

/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/

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Rowe Morehouse Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Rowe Morehouse