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How to dynamically set language according to file extension in monaco editor?

I am working on monaco-editor to show content of local code files, which may be written in various languages, so I am wondering how to dynamically set/change language of monaco editor according to the extension of file, or the first line of file without extension (like #!/usr/bin/env python).

Seems that monaco-editor itself does not come with this feature, but the VSCode does apparently.

I want to define such a method called checkLanguage(file_path), which takes a file path and returns the string that represents the language supported by monaco-editor. If the language cannot be determined, just return plain text.

monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(model, checkLanguage(file_path))

Supported languages: https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-languages

like image 794
K. Symbol Avatar asked Dec 31 '22 21:12

K. Symbol

2 Answers

The languages already define the file extensions that they can handle, so it's possible to allow Monaco to choose an appropriate language by giving it the filename:

const model = monaco.editor.createModel(
  undefined, // language
  monaco.Uri.file(filename) // uri

like image 199
Alf Eaton Avatar answered May 21 '23 11:05

Alf Eaton

I have found a useful npm library that can detect the programming language according to the file name or content, and implmented the language detection in my project like this:

  const langDetector = require('language-detect')
  const langMapper = require('language-map')
  // async way
  let lang=''
  langDetector(abs_path, (err, language) => {
  if (err) {
     lang = 'plaintext'
  } else {
     lang = langMapper[language].aceMode
  // sync way
  lang = langMapper[langDetector.sync(abs_path)].aceMode

[1] The library link: https://github.com/blakeembrey/node-language-detect

[2] The complete code : https://github.com/Symbolk/SmartCommit/blob/master/src/components/utils/gitutils.js

like image 30
K. Symbol Avatar answered May 21 '23 11:05

K. Symbol