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How to dynamically load module in react-native?

I am currently working on adding support for Sentry.io in my react-native app. I use react-native-sentry package and there is one requirement: the package should only be imported if certain constant is set to true, for example SHOULD_USE_SENTRY. All sentry configuration is stored in a separate file, which also exposes 2 methods: setupSentry and captureException which are used in the root of the app in the componentDidMount and componentDidCatch respectively. How can I dynamically load those methods in the root component, so that when the value of SHOULD_USE_SENTRY is false I won't get errors thrown after calling my methods? I hope I described my issue clear enough.

like image 678
sheriff_paul Avatar asked Sep 21 '18 18:09


1 Answers

You can't import on condition.

But you can do something similar by creating 2 entry points: folderA/index.js and folderB/index.js

folderA/index.js there you import your module and pass it to your app through props.

import {someModule} from 'someModule';
    return(<App module={someModule} />);

folderB/index.js there you don't import the module, and you pass null instead (or any other value you want)

    return(<App module={null} />);

then in your app component you can now have a condition


if(this.props.module != null){

The only thing left to do is to chose to correct entry point when you start your packager. Use one of the command below depending on your rn version:

react-native start --root folderA

react-native start --projectRoot folderA

By specifying --root or --projectRoot you are telling to the packager to look for the index.js file in the folder you want. You can use this trick if you want different configuration for your project.

like image 156
Daniel Gabor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Daniel Gabor