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How to 'duplicate' element with jQuery? [duplicate]

I have a html element (like select box input field) in a table. Now I want to copy the object and generate a new one out of the copy, and that with JavaScript or jQuery. I think this should work somehow but I'm a little bit clueless at the moment.

Something like this (pseudo code):

oldDdl = $("#ddl_1").get(); 

newDdl = oldDdl;

oldDdl.attr('id', newId);

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Richard Avatar asked May 28 '09 14:05


People also ask

What is Clone function in jQuery?

The clone() is an inbuilt method in jQuery which is used to make a copy of selected elements including its child nodes, text and attributes. Syntax: $(selector).clone(true|false) Parameter: It accepts an optional parameter which could be either true or false specifies that event handler should be copied or not.

How do I clone a div?

To clone a div and change its id with JavaScript, we can use the cloneNode method on the div. Then we can set the id property of the cloned element to set the ID. to add the div.

How can I create duplicate row in jQuery?

Call the . clone() method on the selector which you want to copy and insert the newly created element in your existing HTML layout using append, pretend, insertAfter, etc. $( ". txt").

What is clone () in JavaScript?

Cloning. Cloning in javascript is nothing but copying an object properties to another object so as to avoid creation of an object that already exists. There are a few ways to clone a javascript object. 1) Iterating through each property and copy them to a new object. 2) Using JSON method.

8 Answers

With native JavaScript:

newelement = element.cloneNode(bool)

where the Boolean indicates whether to clone child nodes or not.

Here is the complete documentation on MDN.

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annakata Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10


Using your code you can do something like this in plain JavaScript using the cloneNode() method:

// Create a clone of element with id ddl_1:
let clone = document.querySelector('#ddl_1').cloneNode( true );

// Change the id attribute of the newly created element:
clone.setAttribute( 'id', newId );

// Append the newly created element on element p 
document.querySelector('p').appendChild( clone );

Or using jQuery clone() method (not the most efficient):

$('#ddl_1').clone().attr('id', newId).appendTo('p'); // append to where you want
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Boris Guéry Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Boris Guéry

Yes, you can copy children of one element and paste them into the other element:

var foo1 = jQuery('#foo1');
var foo2 = jQuery('#foo2');


Proof: http://jsfiddle.net/de9kc/

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Tadeck Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10


It's actually very easy in jQuery:


Change .appendTo() of course...

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Philippe Leybaert Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Philippe Leybaert

You can use clone() method to create a copy..

$('#foo1').html( $('#foo2 > div').clone())​;


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Sushanth -- Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Sushanth --

Get the HTML of the element to clone with .innerHTML, and then just make a new object by means of createElement()...

var html = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML;
var clone = document.createElement('span');
clone.innerHTML = html;

In general, clone() functions must be coded by, or understood by, the cloner. For example, let's clone this: <div>Hello, <span>name!</span></div>. If I delete the clone's <span> tags, should it also delete the original's span tags? If both are deleted, the object references were cloned; if only one set is deleted, the object references are brand-new instantiations. In some cases you want one, in others the other.

In HTML, typically, you'll want anything cloned to be referentially self-contained. The best way to make sure these new references are contained properly is to have the same innerHTML rerun and re-understood by the browser within a new element. Better than working to solve your problem, you should know exactly how it's doing its cloning...

Full Working Demo:

function cloneElement() {
    var html = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML;
    var clone = document.createElement('span');
    clone.innerHTML = html;
<span id="test">Hello!!!</span><br><br>

<span id="clones"></span><br><br>

<input type="button" onclick="cloneElement();" value="Click Here to Clone an Element">
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HoldOffHunger Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10


Try this:

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Oscar Jara Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Oscar Jara

Vanilla JS approach on what you are trying to do

const oldDdl = document.querySelector('#ddl_1');

const newDdl = oldDdl.cloneNode(true);


const oldDdlHtml = oldDdl.innerHTML;
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Akashxolotl Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
