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How to draw candle charts in C# [closed]





How can I draw candle charts in C#? Does anybody has any examples with a nice interface?

like image 538
Thiago Avatar asked Apr 16 '10 01:04


People also ask

How are candlesticks made in charts?

Candlesticks are graphical representations of price movements for a given period of time. They are commonly formed by the opening, high, low, and closing prices of a financial instrument. If the opening price is above the closing price then a filled (normally red or black) candlestick is drawn.

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Steps to Create an OHLC ChartCreate or design a SQL query. Run the query and check the results. Display and enable the Chart query builder. For your opening and closing price values, use the Stock Charts – Stock Open and/or Stock Close selections.

What is the best candlestick pattern to trade?

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2 Answers

I've used the MSChart and found it to be pretty good. It supports candlestick charts. I've used ZedGraph as well but found a few graphical anomalies showed up on my charts but they were otherwise good as well.

like image 107
itsmatt Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10


I use this for stock data but its in VB

        With Chart1.ChartAreas("myarea")
            .AxisY.Maximum = (Math.Ceiling((HighValue * 100)) / 100)
            .AxisY.Minimum = (Math.Floor((LowValue * 100)) / 100)
            .AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "{0.00}"
        End With

        Dim s1 As New Series
        With s1
            .ChartArea = "myarea"
            .ChartType = SeriesChartType.Candlestick
            .XValueType = ChartValueType.String
            .YValueType = ChartValueType.Single
            .YValuesPerPoint = 4
            .CustomProperties = "PriceDownColor=Red, PriceUpColor=Green"
        End With

        For i = Globals.GraphColumns - 1 To 0 Step -1
            OutData = Data_Array.Item(i)

            s1.Points.AddXY(OutData.thedate, OutData.high, OutData.low, OutData.close, OutData.open)


like image 26
Beto Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10
