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How to draw a boundary line on a scatter plot for classifier in Julia?

If I want to draw a boundary line to separate two classes which is the result of my classifier. How to draw it? The picture is the sample, the black line is the boundary I want to draw. the green points is the boundary points. I want to draw a curve perfectly fit those points. But when I plot those curve, the result is the purple line which is not a curve.

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CHIA YI Avatar asked Nov 25 '21 07:11


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How can I plot a scatter plot in Matplotlib?

A scatter plot could be used if a fine enough grid was taken. A better approach is to use a contour plot that can interpolate the colors between the points. The contourf () Matplotlib function can be used. This requires a few steps. First, we need to define a grid of points across the feature space.

How do I create a scatter plot of the feature space?

Once defined, we can then create a scatter plot of the feature space with the first feature defining the x-axis, the second feature defining the y-axis, and each sample represented as a point in the feature space. We can then color points in the scatter plot according to their class label as either 0 or 1.

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The scatter trace type can be used to represent scatter charts (one point or marker per observation), line charts (a line drawn between each point), or bubble charts (points with size proportional to a dimension of the observation). To draw a scatter chart, use the scatter trace type and set the mode parameter to markers.

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Add Vertical Line to Scatter Plot in Excel We will add a vertical line to the following data set. This data set has an X column and a Y column. First of all, right-click on the scatter chart and click on Select Data. Next, in the Select Data Source window, click on Add. Then, in the Edit Series window, set Vertical Line as the Series name.

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2 Answers

Here is a reproducible example how to do it:

using Plots

x = rand(1000)
y = rand(1000)
color = [3 * (b-0.5)^2 < a - 0.1 ? "red" : "blue" for (a, b) in zip(x, y)]

y_bound = 0:0.01:1
x_bound = @. 3 * (y_bound - 0.5)^2 + 0.1

scatter(x, y, color=color, legend=false)
plot!(x_bound, y_bound, color="green")

and you should get a plot like: classification boundary

The crucial thing here is to make your boundary points ordered (i.e. they must be ordered in the vectors properly so that when you plot a line you connect proper points). In my example I achieved it by varying the y-dimension and calculating the x dimension.

In more complex cases it will be better to use contour plot, e.g.:

x = 1:0.1:8
y = 1:0.1:7
f(x, y) = begin
    (3x + y ^ 2) * abs(sin(x) + cos(y)) - 40
X = repeat(reshape(x, 1, :), length(y), 1)
Y = repeat(y, 1, length(x))
Z = map(f, X, Y)
contour(x, y, Z, levels=[0], color="green", width=3)

x_s = 7 .* rand(1000) .+ 1
y_s = 6 .* rand(1000) .+ 1
color = [f(a, b) > 0 ? "red" : "blue" for (a, b) in zip(x_s, y_s)]
scatter!(x_s, y_s, color=color, legend=false)

and you should get something like: boundary with contour plot

However, as you can see this time for the best results it is best to pass scores to contour and specify the classification threshold as level.

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Bogumił Kamiński Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Bogumił Kamiński

I guess your TA asked you to conduct a grid search for this question.

The meaning of grid search is not searching over the data point you have, but searching over whole coordinate. (I.e. From (0,0), (0,1), (0,2) to (0,100), then to (1,0), (1,1) and so on.) You may change the distance between each point when you conduct a grid search.

In your case, you need to solve the equation d_1(X) = d_2(X). So what you need to do is to simulate some points (like the above example), then put those points into |d_1(X) - d_2(X)|, and pick the points that bring you to a value that is smaller than epsilon (a self-given small number like 0.05 or 0.1). Then use Plot() to connect them.

This is not the most efficient way to create the boundary but this is what you learnt in your tutorial. You may also try contour().

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Orca meets avalanche Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Orca meets avalanche