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How to download and install "oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm.zip" [closed]

I want to install oracle database. All the tutorial in web i have seen so far include link to download "oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm.zip" is redirecting to the page where there is 18c only.and i search google a lot but didn't find any link to download the file. Later i download 11gR2 from this link this link but i'm not finding any installing guide which can help me to install it.

N.B: OS Ubuntu 14.04

like image 621
Rakibul Islam Avatar asked Dec 31 '22 05:12

Rakibul Islam

1 Answers

  1. Take the link! (It was taken from this ftp).

  2. Next, you have to use docker for Oracle Database installation. This link will help you. Two important notes:

    • As the link to the 11.2 version is dead, you have to download it manually and copy in the folder '' (its the subfolder in place, where buildDockerImage.sh resides).
    • Then run

      ./buildDockerImage.sh -x -v

P.s. Firstly, I built XE 18.4.0. Building Docker image took way long! The building of, took 85 seconds. So, if you see that the script is stuck somewhere, it's wise to wait. (I halted execution a few times, thinking that it had hung up...)

like image 168
Exterminator13 Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 13:01
