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How to document OData endpoints (swagger, swashbuckle, other)?

What is the best way of documenting OData endpoints? Is there a way to use Swashbuckle for it?

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free4ride Avatar asked Aug 05 '15 13:08


3 Answers

Yes, try Swashbuckle.OData. It adds Swashbuckle support for ODataControllers.

See it in action here: http://swashbuckleodata.azurewebsites.net/swagger

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Richard Beauchamp Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Richard Beauchamp

Yes, we are trying to support it like yaml -> Swagger, yaml -> csdl ..

But it will need time to implementation, you can see a prototype and track there https://github.com/OData/model-first

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Fan Ouyang Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Fan Ouyang

I actually got something working for this using the IDocumentFilter function within Swashbuckle. I answered a similar question on the GitHub repo for Swashbuckle. Check out my response here (it's either at bottom or toward bottom):


I've posted an example of a working IDocumentFilter implementation that you could leverage to get your OData endpoint set up in the Swagger ui.

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Erik Dahl Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Erik Dahl