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How to document destructured variable with jsdoc

I have something like this:

let { total } = settings;

How do I document the total variable? I tried something like this:

 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} total.test
let { total } = settings;

but it doesn't seem to be the right way.

Any suggestions?

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Tommy Gaudreau Avatar asked Sep 27 '18 19:09

Tommy Gaudreau

3 Answers

@Tommy-Pepsi Gaudreau was so close in his comment on the original question.

Here's an example in the closure compiler tool @ closure-compiler.appspot.com

let /** @type {Object<string|boolean>} */ settings = {};
let str = 'string';
let bool = true;
settings.b = bool;
settings.s = str;

// Note that at this point, b and s are of the type {string|boolean}.

let {/** @type {string} */ s,/** @type {boolean} */ b } = settings;

console.log({b, s});

// But now, when we assign the wrong types, we get a warning.


Number of warnings: 2

found   : string
required: boolean at line 15 character 4
found   : boolean
required: string at line 16 character 4

Edit - Sep 27, 2018: I've reduced the amount of initial typing to ensure/clarify the types weren't being ignored, and that the warnings were coming from the types in the destructuring.

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Graham P Heath Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11

Graham P Heath

for any direct destructured variable you can try this workaround

 * @typedef {object} DestructuredVariable
 * @property {string} total
/** @type {DestructuredVariable} */
const {total} = getUser();
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Yudy Ananda Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 23:11

Yudy Ananda

If you want to document an object the simple answer is:

 * @type {{total: String}}
let { total } = settings;

for further details just take a look at the JS-Documentation

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lightwight np Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11

lightwight np