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How to do the Hibernate validation on the nested list objects?

I need to validate the objects which are stored in the list on my form bean object.

Below is my form bean object.

public class Role implements java.io.Serializable {

    // Fields    
    private int roleId;

    private String roleName;

    private boolean active;

    private List<Module> modules;

    // getters anfd setters

and below is my object which is present in the list of my main form bean object

public class Module implements Serializable {

    private int id;

    private String moduleName;

    // other properties and getters and setters

Below is my properties file

# -- Role form -- 
NotBlank.role.roleName=Role Name can not be blank.
NotBlank.module.moduleName=Module Name can not be blank.

Below is My JSP page, the form consists of a role name and modules which can be added to the role.

    <table border="0" class="section_tbl2">
        <td width="150px" valign="top">
            <spring:message code="dmx.role.form.label.name"/>
        <td width="10px">:</td>
            <form:input class="txtinput" id="roleName" path="roleName" maxlength="50"/>      <form:errors path="roleName" cssClass="error"/>

    <tr><td colspan="3" height="8px"></td></tr>

        <td width="150px" vAlign="top">
        <td width="10px" vAlign="top">:</td>

                        <input type="button" value="<spring:message code="dmx.role.form.button.addModule.label"/>" onclick="return addModuleRow();"></input>

            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tblstyle1" id="moduleTable">
                        <th class="fst" width="200px">
                            <spring:message code="dmx.role.form.label.moduleName"/>
                        <th width="50px"><spring:message code="dmx.role.form.label.create"/></th>
                        <th width="50px"><spring:message code="dmx.role.form.label.update"/></th>
                        <th width="50px"><spring:message code="dmx.role.form.label.delete"/></th>
                        <th width="30px"></th>
                <tbody id="moduleTBody">
                    <c:forEach items="${role.modules}" var="module" varStatus="status" >
                        <c:set var="moduleCounter" value="${status.index}"/>
                        <tr id="moduleRowId_${moduleCounter}">
                            <td class="fst txt-center">
                                <form:select onchange="checkIfThisModuleAlreadySelected(this);" class="seloption" id="selectedModule_${moduleCounter}" path="modules[${moduleCounter}].id">
                                    <form:option value="" label="-- Select Module --"/>
                                    <form:options items="${moduleList}" itemLabel="moduleName" itemValue="id" />
                            <td class="txt-center">
                                <form:checkbox id="create_${moduleCounter}" path="modules[${moduleCounter}].create"/>
                            <td class="txt-center">
                                <form:checkbox id="update_${moduleCounter}" path="modules[${moduleCounter}].update"/>
                            <td class="txt-center">
                                <form:checkbox id="delete_${moduleCounter}" path="modules[${moduleCounter}].delete"/>
                            <td class="txt-center">
                                <input class="delbtn" id="moduleDelBtn_${moduleCounter}" name="moduleDelBtn[${moduleCounter}]" type="button" onclick="delModuleRow(${moduleCounter});">
    <tr><td colspan="3" height="3px"></td></tr>

I can successfully validate the role name i.e. when role name is blank I get an error message but when module is not selected i do not get any error message.

Please help

like image 932
ashishjmeshram Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 07:09


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1 Answers

Adding @NotNull and @Size constraints to your module list should help:

@Size(min = 1)
private List<Module> modules;

The @Valid annotation causes the elements of the annotated collection to be validated but it doesn't validate wether that collection is not null or contains any elements.

like image 56
Gunnar Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 07:03
