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How to do TDD with hardware




All the projects I work interface to a piece of hardware and this is often the main purpose of the software. Are there any effective ways I can apply TDD to the code that works with the hardware?

Update: Sorry for not being clearer with my question.

The hardware I use is a frame grabber that capture images from a camera. I then process these images, display them and save them to disk. I can simulate all the processing that takes place after the images are captured by using previously captured images that are stored on disk.

But it's the actual interaction with the hardware that I want to test. For instance does my software cope correctly when there isn't a camera attached, does it properly start and stop grabbing etc. But this is so tied into the hardware I don't know how to test it when the hardware isn't present or if I should even be trying to do this?

2nd Update: I'm also looking for some concrete examples of exactly how people have dealt this situation.

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Matt Warren Avatar asked Feb 25 '09 11:02

Matt Warren

1 Answers

Create a thin layer for controlling the hardware, and use system tests (manual or automatic) with the full hardware to make sure that the control layer works as expected. Then create a fake/mock implementation of the control layer, that behaves externally like the interface to the real hardware, and use it when doing TDD for the rest of the program.

Years ago, I was writing software for taking measurements with a SQUID magnetometer. The hardware was big, unmovable and expensive (video), so it was not possible to always have access to the hardware. We had documentation about the communication protocol with the devices (through serial ports), but the documentation was not 100% accurate.

What helped us very much was creating a software which listens to the data coming from one serial port, logs it and redirects it to another serial port. Then we were able to find out how the old program (which we were replacing) communicated with the hardware, and reverse engineer the protocol. They were chained like this: Old Program <-> Virtual Loopback Serial Port <-> Our Data Logger <-> Real Serial Port <-> Hardware.

Back then we did not use TDD. We did consider writing an emulator for the hardware, so that we could test the program in isolation, but since we did not know exactly how the hardware was supposed to work, it was hard to write an accurate emulator so in the end we did not do it. If we had known the hardware better, we could have created an emulator for it, and it would have made developing the program much easier. Testing with the real hardware was most valuable, and in hindsight we should have spent even more time testing with the hardware.

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Esko Luontola Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10

Esko Luontola