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How to do something before unwind segue action?

I've just figured out what is an unwind segue and how to use it with the great answers from this question. Thanks a lot.

However, here's a question like this:

Let's say there is a button in scene B which unwind segues to scene A, and before it segues I want something to be done, such as saving the data to database. I created an action for this button in B.swift, but it seems it goes directly to scene A without taking the action appointed.

Anyone knows why or how to do this?

Thank you.

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Mechanic Avatar asked Feb 07 '15 10:02


People also ask

What is prepare for segue?

The segue object containing information about the view controllers involved in the segue. sender. The object that initiated the segue. You might use this parameter to perform different actions based on which control (or other object) initiated the segue.

How do you trigger a segue?

First, select a segue in your storyboard, then go to the attributes inspector and give it a name such as “showDetail”. Technically the sender parameter is whatever triggered the segue, but you can put whatever you want in there.

What is action segue?

In UIKit, a segue is an object that defines a transition between two view controllers in a storyboard file. An action — such as tapping a button, performing a gesture or tapping on a table cell row — triggers the segue. The endpoint of the segue is the view controller you want to display.

How do you pass data using segue and unwind in Swift?

You create the unwind segue as per usual - drag to the exit icon in the scene. Now in the object inspector on the left you will see the unwind segue listed below the view controller, first responder and exit icons. You can click on the unwind segue and give it an identifier in the inspector on the right.

3 Answers

You can do it the way you describe, or by using a prepareForSegue override function in the viewController you are unwinding from:

@IBAction func actionForUnwindButton(sender: AnyObject) {


override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {

The first example is as you describe. The button is wired up to the unwind segue and to the button action in Interface Builder. The button action will be triggered before the segue action. Perhaps you didn't connect the action to the button in interface builder?

The second example gives you have access to the segue's sourceViewController and destinationViewController in case that is also useful (you also get these in the unwind segue's function in the destination view controller).

If you want to delay the unwind segue until the button's local action is complete, you can invoke the segue directly from the button action (instead of hooking it up in the storyboard) using self.performSegueWithIdentifier (or follow wrUS61's suggestion)


you seem to have some doubts whether you can work this by wiring up your button both to an unwind segue and to a button action. I have set up a little test project like this:

class BlueViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBAction func actionForUnwindButton(sender: AnyObject) {

    override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {

class RedViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBAction func unwindToRed(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {

BlueViewController has a button that is connected in the storyboard to BOTH the unwindToRed unwind segue AND the actionForUnwindButton button. It also overrides prepareForSegue so we can log the order of play.




enter image description here


your demo project shows this not working. The difference is that you are using a barButtonItem to trigger the action, whereas I am using a regular button. A barButtonItem fails, whereas a regular button succeeds. I suspect that this is due to differences in the order of message passing (what follows is conjecture, but fits with the observed behaviour):

(A) UIButton in View Controller

ViewController's button receives touchupInside
- (1) sends action to it's method
- (2) sends segue unwind action to storyboard segue
all messages received, and methods executed in this order:


(B) UIBarButtonItem in Navigation Controller Toolbar

Tool bar buttonItem receives touchupInside
- (1) sends segue unwind action to storyboard segue
- (2) (possibly, then) sends action to viewController's method

Order of execution is


prepareForSegue and unwind messages received. However actionForUnwindButton message is sent to nil as viewController is destroyed during the segue. So it doesn't get executed, and the log prints


In the case of (B), the viewController is destroyed before the method reaches it, so does not get triggered

So it seems your options are...
(a) use a UIButton with action and unwind segue
(b) trigger your actions using prepareForSegue, which will be triggered while the viewController is still alive, and before the segue takes place.
(c) don't use an unwind segue, just use a button action. In the action method you can 'unwind' by calling popToViewController on your navigation controller.

By the way, if you implement a toolBar on the viewController (not using the navigation controller's toolbar) the result is the same: segue gets triggered first, so button action fails.

enter image description here

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foundry Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10


If you are able to perform unWind Segue Successfully. Then the method in destination View Controller is called just before the segue take place, you can do what ever you want in source viewcontroller by using the segue object.

- (IBAction)unwindToThisViewController:(UIStoryboardSegue *)unwindSegue
  CustomViewController *vc = (CustomViewController*) unwindSegue.sourceViewController;
  [vc performAnyMethod];
  [vc saveData];
  NSString *temp = vc.anyProperty;


if you want your logic in source Controller then implement prepareForSegue in Scene B and set the unWind segue Identifier from Storyboard > Left View hierarchy Panel > under Exit in Scene B.

-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"backToSource"])
        NSLog(@"Going Back");

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Irfan Gul Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Irfan Gul

At first, you should call the send data function in prepareForSegue method.

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
    if([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"UnwindIdentifier"]) {
        // send data

If you don't want to let unwind segue happen before getting response from the server, you should override

- (BOOL)shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier sender:(id)sender

method and return NO;. Then you can perform segue manually when you get the server response by calling:

[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"UnwindIdentifier" sender:sender];
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UtkuS Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10
