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How to do partial update of a document



I need a guidance on how can I update a field in CouchDB. I tried curl via console it works fine but programatically. I don't understand how to update a particular field say 'name'. Here is the snippet of updating a document in CouchDB which works fine and returns me the updated revision id.

HttpPut httpPutRequest = new HttpPut(hostUrl +"/"+ docId);
StringEntity body = new StringEntity(jsonDoc.toString());

httpPutRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
httpPutRequest.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
like image 422
Jitesh Avatar asked Nov 09 '10 10:11


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Open the Fauxton url: You can also update/ change/ edit your document once you created. Click on the edit option (encircled in red). After clicking, you will get a new page where you can edit your entries. After editing click on the save changes tab and your document will be updated.

1 Answers

Partial updates are not supported by CouchDB. In other words, to update a field in the document, you must update the field in your local JSON document and push that document to CouchDB as a whole.

You can accomplish this by still issuing an HTTP PUT, ensuring the appropriate _rev is included in your document.

More details are available in the wiki.

like image 139
Ryan Duffield Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11

Ryan Duffield