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How to do pagination using range queries in MongoDB?

I'm probably missing something since I'm still learning the ins and outs of MongoDB, but I need help with paging a collection.

I have a collection that has a list of names.

Bottom Round of Beef
Chicken Breast 6oz
Chicken Breast 8oz
Chicken Breast 8oz
Chicken Breast 8oz
Chicken Breast Random
Chicken Legs
Chicken Tenderloin
Chicken Thighs
Kosher Salt

I created a compound index on "ProductName,_id".

I run this query:

db.ProductGuideItem.find( { ProductName: { $gt: "Chicken Breast 8oz" } } ).sort({ProductName:1,_id:1}).limit(3);  

Notice there are 3 "Chicken Breast 8oz" items.

If I run that query I get...
Chicken Breast Random
Chicken Legs
Chicken Tenderloin

If I was paging and started from the top. The query would have missed the other 2 "Chicken Breast 8oz".

So if each page can only have 3 items and I want to see page 2 then I should see..
Chicken Breast 8oz
Chicken Breast 8oz
Chicken Breast Random.

But I'm not. It's going to the last Chicken Breast 8oz and starting from there instead.

Is there a way around this?
Also how would I do this if the list was sorted the opposite way?

like image 346
Donny V. Avatar asked Apr 02 '11 19:04

Donny V.

People also ask

What is skip and limit in pagination?

MongoDB has an extremely straightforward way to implement pagination: using skip and limit operations on a cursor. skip(n) skips n items in a query, while limit(m) returns only the next m items starting from the n-th one.

What is keyset pagination?

Keyset pagination (also known as the "seek method") is used to fetch a subset of records from a table quickly. It does this by restricting the set of records returned with a combination of WHERE and LIMIT clauses.

How do you use Mongoose Paginate?

Try using mongoose function for pagination. Limit is the number of records per page and number of the page. Show activity on this post. var paginate = 20; var page = pageNumber; MySchema.

1 Answers

Since the collection I was paging had duplicate values I had to create a compound index on ProductName and id.

Create Compound Index

db.ProductGuideItem.ensureIndex({ ProductName:1, _id:1}); 

This solved my problem.
Reference: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mongodb-user/3EZZIRJzW_A/oYH79npKZHkJ

Assuming you have these values:

{a:1, b:1} {a:2, b:1} {a:2, b:2} {a:2, b:3} {a:3, b:1} 

So you do this for the range based pagination (page size of 2):

1st Page

find().sort({a:1, b:1}).limit(2) {a:1, b:1} {a:2, b:1} 

2nd Page

find().min({a:2, b:1}).sort({a:1, b:1}).skip(1).limit(2)  {a:2, b:2} {a:2, b:3} 

3rd Page

find().min({a:2, b:3}).sort({a:1, b:1}).skip(1).limit(2) {a:3, b:1} 

Here are the docs for $min/max: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/min+and+max+Query+Specifiers

If you don't have duplicate values in your collection, you don't need to use min & max or create a compound index. You can just use $lt & $gt.

like image 90
Donny V. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09

Donny V.