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How to do modal dialogs with Om or Reagent (and Bootstrap)

I wonder how showing and hiding of a modal dialog should be implemented with Om or Reagent. Since my UI is a function on the state, the show/hide should be triggered by a property in this state.

But frameworks like Bootstrap require to call some JavaScript to show/hide dialogs.

Is there any common solution for this problem?

like image 694
Witek Avatar asked Feb 29 '16 20:02


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2 Answers

Don't use javascript or jquery effects to show/hide dialogs in Om or Reagent. Instead, make the value of an atom determine whether the modal dialog should be shown. Here is an example for Reagent:

[(fn [shown]
       (if shown
          {:on-click #(reset! popup-shown false)} 
            [:div "Hello!"]]]
like image 180
Terje Norderhaug Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 17:01

Terje Norderhaug

Have a look at re-com. It certainly shows one way of doing it. https://github.com/Day8/re-com

like image 36
Mike Thompson Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 18:01

Mike Thompson