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How to do guard let statement in Kotlin like Swift?



I want to write guard let statement in Kotlin like Swift.

For example:

guard let e = email.text , !e.isEmpty else { return } 

Any advice or sample code?

like image 803
tsniso Avatar asked Apr 13 '19 20:04


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How do you write a guard let statement in Swift?

The syntax of the guard statement is: guard expression else { // statements // control statement: return, break, continue or throw. } Note: We must use return , break , continue or throw to exit from the guard scope.

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1 Answers


val e = email.text?.let { it } ?: return 

Explanation: This checks if the property email.text is not null. If it is not null, it assigns the value and moves to execute next statement. Else it executes the return statement and breaks from the method.

Edit: As suggested by @dyukha in the comment, you can remove the redundant let.

val e = email.text ?: return 

If you want to check any other condition, you can use Kotlin's if expression.

val e = if (email.text.isEmpty()) return else email.text 

Or try (as suggested by @Slaw).

val e = email.text.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: return 

You may also like to try guard function as implemented here: https://github.com/idrougge/KotlinGuard

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farhanjk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
