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How to do field selection on find() in the mongodb native driver?

I am using the mongodb native driver for node.js and can't get to work the field selection. What I want to do is to limit fields to name. I do not want the 'last' in the output.

I am doing this:

db.collection("test").find({},[{'name':true,'last':false}]).toArray(function(err, results) {

But the log prints:

[ { _id: 524b53588aa4f388de1c2ddb },
  { _id: 524b53548aa4f388de1c2dda } ]

So there is no name in the output.

Update: I have tried an object instead of array -- did not work. The reason is really mixing inclusion and exclusion. You can't mix it. When I only had "name":true it worked.

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user3111525 Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 14:01


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1 Answers

If you are using latest mongodb 3.0 nodejs driver, then try this code:

db.collection('test').find({}).project({name: 1, last: 1}).toArray();
like image 111
lee shin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

lee shin