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How to do clean logging, without making code look awful?

I am trying to write clean code, so i don't want my code to be polluted with random logging. This for me looks awful:

def generate_auth_token(self):
    logger.debug("Existing auth token: {}".format(self.auth_token))
    self.auth_token = uuid.uuid4()
    logger.debug("Updated auth token:  {}".format(self.auth_token))
    return str(self.auth_token)

The logs then looks like this:

backend-api_1  | DEBUG: Device token: 66f4b515-c6f5-433c-885f-61c8a1f63ce5
backend-api_1  | Debug: Existing auth token: 66f4b515-c6f5-433c-885f-61c8a1f63ce5
backend-api_1  | Debug: Updated auth token: 66f4b515-c6f5-433c-885f-61c8a1f63ce5

It just difficult to read code like that. I came up with idea, to log every function, by using decorator.

def log_input_output(logger_name='', func_name=None, log_input_values=True):
  logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

  def _log_input_output_decorator(func):
    if not func_name:
      message_prefix = f'{func.__name__}'
      message_prefix = f'{func_name}'

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
      logger.info(f'{message_prefix} started')
      if log_input_values:
        if args:
          logger.debug(f'{message_prefix} input args: {args}')
        if kwargs:
          logger.debug(f'{message_prefix} input kwargs: {kwargs}')

        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
      except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f'{message_prefix} error: {e}')
        raise e

      logger.info(f'{message_prefix} finished successfully')
      logger.debug(f'{message_prefix} finished with result: {result}')
      return result

    return wrapper
  return _log_input_output_decorator

Example from above, now looks much more clean

  def generate_auth_token(self):
        self.auth_token = uuid.uuid4()
        return str(self.auth_token)

but the logs are, less clean

backend-api_1  | INFO: generate_auth_token started
backend-api_1  | DEBUG: generate_auth_token input args: (<self object at 0x7fc18085d1c8>)
backend-api_1  | INFO: generate_auth_token finished successfully
backend-api_1  | DEBUG: generate_auth_token finished with result: 66f4b515-c6f5-433c-885f-61c8a1f63ce5

In this case we are also missing the old token value. I just wonder, Is there like proper way of logging, so the code would not look like mess, but at the same time the logs would be more readable?

like image 607
Dawid Kisielewski Avatar asked Apr 22 '19 08:04

Dawid Kisielewski

1 Answers

One possible solution is to add __repr__ to your class that will return what you want to log:

def __repr__(self):
    return str(self.auth_token)

This solution is not flexible because if you want to log self.auth_token in one function and self.other_attribute in other, you need to log them both everytime:

def __repr__(self):
    return str(self.auth_token, self.other_attribute)

It will mess your logs of def generate_auth_token(self): because you want to log only self.auth_token

Another solution I can propose is to use eval. I know that eval is evil, but maybe it is appropriate place to use it. Modifications to your code:

1) decorator will be used as follows:

@log_input_output(logger_name=__name__, log_eval='f"token is {self.auth_token}"')

2) parameter log_eval:

def log_input_output(logger_name='', func_name=None, log_input_values=True, log_eval=''):

3) if log_eval block placed after if kwargs:

    if kwargs:
      logger.debug(f'{message_prefix} input kwargs: {kwargs}')
    if log_eval:
      signature = inspect.signature(func)
      bind = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
      custom_log = eval(log_eval, bind.arguments)
      logger.debug(f'{message_prefix} custom log: {custom_log}')

So, the log will look like :

generate_auth_token custom log: token is d0173388-f043-4e8b-8630-05634e2fd3c6

With this solution you can log only self.other_attribute when other function is executed:

@log_input_output(logger_name=__name__, log_eval='f"other_attribute is {self.other_attribute}"')
def other_function(self):
like image 123
sanyassh Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10
