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How to do Batch Mutations with Apollo Client

I try to use ApolloClient 2.1 with the new Mutation Component.

Simple use cases are working but now I have something more complex.

What I want to achieve is to query data and put them in a list, then sort this list (here via react-sortable-hoc) and once sorted, I want to update the new position for all elements in the list.

So the basis is something like this, which is working for simple Querying:

const query = gql`
  items( order:{by:"position", direction:"desc"}) {

const ItemView extends Component {
    onSortEnd = ({ oldIndex, newIndex }) => {
       console.log("Sort ended: ", oldIndex, newIndex);

    render() {
     <Query query={query}>
        {({ loading, data, error }) => {
          if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
          if (error) return <p>Error</p>;

          return (
            <ItemList items={data.items} onSortEnd={this.onSortEnd} />

Now I really struggle at a lot of parts in order to do the mutation.

I think I need to wrap the Mutation Component. But how can I provide a GraphQL Query in there, because I want to do batch mutation with a similar query being fired multiple times, such as

mutation {
  updateItem1: updateItem(id: 457092155, input: {position: 1}) {
    item {

  updateItem2: updateItem(id: 54489270, input: {position: 2}) {
    item {

  ... // much more mutations, one for each item in the list

So my main question is, how do I pass a GraphQL mutation with dynamic amount of mutations to the Mutation component? Or should I do this completely differently?

Thanks a lot for any hints

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schingeldi Avatar asked May 04 '18 14:05


People also ask

Does Apollo Client batch queries?

Apollo Kotlin supports batching multiple operations in a single HTTP request to reduce the number of network round trips.

What is mutation in Apollo Client?

The useMutation React hook is the primary API for executing mutations in an Apollo application. To execute a mutation, you first call useMutation within a React component and pass it the mutation you want to execute, like so: JavaScript. my-component.jsx.

1 Answers

You will have to compose multiple Mutations together in order to achieve this. You can use react-adopt for this. They have even addressed this here https://github.com/pedronauck/react-adopt#leading-with-multiple-params.

You can also take a look at the discussion going on here https://github.com/apollographql/react-apollo/issues/1867 and jasonpaulos has an example demonstrating this with hooks

Hi everyone! I believe that the new Apollo hooks, useQuery, useMutation, and useSubscription, adequately address this use case. To demonstrate this, I have converted @Cridda's example that uses react-adopt and modified it to use @apollo/react-hooks here: https://codesandbox.io/s/apollo-and-react-hooks-4vril

This example is by no means perfect, but it serves as a demonstration of how hooks can massively simplify some use cases.

Hope this helps!

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Hemant Parashar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Hemant Parashar