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How to do an SQL UPDATE based on INSERT RETURNING id in Postgres?


I'm using Postgres. I have an old table and a new table. The records in the old table need to have related records in the new table. The new table records are effectively going to act as the parents for records in the new table.

I'm trying to write a migration where each "child" from the old table will have "parent" in the new table.

OLD TABLE (I've added a foreign key in anticipation of populating it as part of the migration)

 id | name | new_id (FK)
  1 | 1st  | 
  2 | 2nd  |


 id | name 

I need to do the following:

  • SELECT all records from the old table
  • INSERT a record into the new table for each old record and RETURNING id
  • UPDATE the old record's foreign key value with the RETURNING id

Is there a way to accomplish this using a set query? Or do I need to start delving into Postgres specific things like LOOPs?

like image 644
Soviut Avatar asked Apr 10 '18 22:04


People also ask

How do I get the latest inserted record in PostgreSQL?

The typical way of doing this is to check that no row has a higher timestamp than any row we retrieve. SELECT timestamp, value, card FROM my_table t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM my_table t2 WHERE t2. timestamp > t1. timestamp );

What does Postgres return on insert?

In an INSERT , the data available to RETURNING is the row as it was inserted. This is not so useful in trivial inserts, since it would just repeat the data provided by the client. But it can be very handy when relying on computed default values.

Does update insert in Postgres?

The idea is that when you insert a new row into the table, PostgreSQL will update the row if it already exists, otherwise, it will insert the new row. That is why we call the action is upsert (the combination of update or insert).

1 Answers

You can use a writable cte as follows:

--open transaction

--avoid concurrent writes

--create a sequence to populate new_table.id
CREATE SEQUENCE new_table_seq;

--using a writable cte to do the dirty job
WITH old_table_cte AS (
    UPDATE old_table SET new_id = nextval('new_table_seq') RETURNING *
INSERT INTO new_table SELECT new_id, name FROM old_table_cte;

--Create a proper FK
ALTER TABLE old_table ADD CONSTRAINT old_table_new_table_fk FOREIGN KEY (new_id) REFERENCES new_table (id);

--end transaction

This approach has some benefits:

  • Taking advantage of RETURNING as you asked, but in update step. Avoiding an unnecessary extra SELECT;
  • Concurrency safe;
  • Postponing FK creation will result in a faster script;
  • Using pure SQL solution, no need to use procedural language;
  • Avoiding read and write to old_table at same step.
like image 123
Michel Milezzi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Michel Milezzi