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How to do a 'Proper case' formatting of a mysql column?



Is it possible in mysql to format a column in Proper Case?

Example: Proper("ABSALOM") = "Absalom"

I have searched a lot and I think MySQL doesn't have any inbuilt function to do this. Is it possible to do this any other way in MySQL?

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Shyam Natraj Kanagasabapathy Avatar asked May 31 '11 00:05

Shyam Natraj Kanagasabapathy

People also ask

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NOTE you would have to use this as you would have to use it as.... SELECT dbo. ProperCase(LOWER(column)) since the column is in uppercase.

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Actually, there is no single function in MySQL to capitalize only first letter of the string. We need to use nesting of functions and for this case, we can use UPPER() and LOWER() with SUBSTRING() functions.

1 Answers

You can combine CONCAT and SUBSTRING:

CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(`fieldName`, 1, 1)), LOWER(SUBSTRING(`fieldName`, 2))) 
like image 162
Dave Maple Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Dave Maple