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How to do a batch insert in MySQL

People also ask

Does MySQL have bulk insert?

Using Bulk Insert Statement in MySQL. The INSERT statement in MySQL also supports the use of VALUES syntax to insert multiple rows as a bulk insert statement. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas.

How do I run multiple inserts in MySQL?

MySQL INSERT multiple rows statement In this syntax: First, specify the name of table that you want to insert after the INSERT INTO keywords. Second, specify a comma-separated column list inside parentheses after the table name. Third, specify a comma-separated list of row data in the VALUES clause.

How can insert 1000 records at a time in MySQL?

To improve insert performance you should use batch inserts. insert into table my_table(col1, col2) VALUES (val1_1, val2_1), (val1_2, val2_2); Storing records to a file and using load data infile yields even better results (best in my case), but it requires more effort.

From the MySQL manual

INSERT statements that use VALUES syntax can insert multiple rows. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas. Example:

INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);

Most of the time, you are not working in a MySQL client and you should batch inserts together using the appropriate API.

E.g. in JDBC:

connection con.setAutoCommit(false); 
PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE DEPT SET MGRNO=? WHERE DEPTNO=?");


int [] numUpdates=prepStmt.executeBatch();


Insert into table(col1,col2) select col1,col2 from table_2;

Please refer to MySQL documentation on INSERT Statement

Load data infile query is much better option but some servers like godaddy restrict this option on shared hosting so , only two options left then one is insert record on every iteration or batch insert , but batch insert has its limitaion of characters if your query exceeds this number of characters set in mysql then your query will crash , So I suggest insert data in chunks withs batch insert , this will minimize number of connections established with database.best of luck guys

mysql allows you to insert multiple rows at once INSERT manual