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How to dispose of ThreadLocal value when thread exits?

Let's say I have a disposable type:

class MyDisposable : IDisposable
    public void Dispose() { }

Then I want every thread to have its own local copy of this class, one per thread:

private readonly ThreadLocal<MyDisposable> localMyDisposable
    = new ThreadLocal<MyDisposable>(() => new MyDisposable());

Now I want to make sure that right before the thread exits, I call Dispose() on the value, if it was created. Is there any way to do that? Some threads in my application are short-lived and some are long-lived. I want to make sure any short-lived ones dispose of their values.

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Scott Whitlock Avatar asked Jun 26 '14 14:06

Scott Whitlock

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2 Answers

There is no hook in the CLR to be notified about a thread exit. The thread-local value will be deleted eventually by the GC but you seem to be interested in quick disposal.

The only way is to make the thread perform the cleanup itself.

If you use tasks instead of threads you can attach a continuation to that task and make sure the resource is cleaned up and reset after the task completes. You can't use a ThreadLocal here, though, because continuations are never guaranteed to run on the same thread.

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usr Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


I ended up implementing my own class called ThreadLocalDisposable<T>. What it does is start a "cleanup" thread when created, and keep track of all the objects it has created, per thread, in a ConcurrentDictionary. Once a thread has stopped, it will eventually call the Action<T> cleanupMethod on it, which can simply be x => x.Dispose() if you like.

Just beware that the cleanup code is called on the cleanup thread, not on the thread that it was actually created and used on, so whatever you do there has to be thread-safe.

public class ThreadLocalDisposable<T> : IDisposable
    where T : IDisposable
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Thread, T> valuesByThread
        = new ConcurrentDictionary<Thread, T>();
    private readonly Func<T> factoryMethod;
    private object disposedLock = new object();
    private bool disposed = false;

    public ThreadLocalDisposable(
        Func<T> factoryMethod,
        Action<T> cleanupMethod)
        if (factoryMethod == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factoryMethod");
        if (cleanupMethod == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cleanupMethod");
        this.factoryMethod = factoryMethod;

        var disposerThread = new Thread(() =>
            bool exit = false;
            while (!exit)
                var removedValuesByThread = new List<KeyValuePair<Thread, T>>();
                foreach (var valueByThread in this.valuesByThread)
                    if ((valueByThread.Key.ThreadState & ThreadState.Stopped) == ThreadState.Stopped)
                foreach (var removedValueByThread in removedValuesByThread)
                    T value;
                    while (!this.valuesByThread.TryRemove(removedValueByThread.Key, out value))
                lock (this.disposedLock)
                    exit = this.disposed;

            foreach (var valueByThread in this.valuesByThread)
                var value = valueByThread.Value;

    public T Value
            if (!this.valuesByThread.ContainsKey(Thread.CurrentThread))
                var newValue = this.factoryMethod();
                while (!this.valuesByThread.TryAdd(Thread.CurrentThread, newValue))
            var result = this.valuesByThread[Thread.CurrentThread];
            return result;

    public void Dispose()
        lock (this.disposedLock)
            this.disposed = true; // tells disposer thread to shut down

Known issues: I meant for this class to live for the lifetime of the application, so when you dispose of it, it just does its best to clean-up, but it's not certain to clean-up the whole list of objects, because other threads could still call the Value getter and create new objects after the disposing thread got its last enumerable copy.

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Scott Whitlock Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Scott Whitlock