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How to display UI on logon screen in Windows 7

I would like to display an UI that interacts with user on pre-logon screen (the screen where users usually enter their username/password)
I read that the architecture of Winlogon packages has changed and will not help me in Windows 7. I was referred to use WTS functions, however I am still not clear on how to use them or which ones.

I already created a Service which brings up a notepad.exe (for now), however I need to trigger this Service when user is in pre-logon screen. I am not sure what or how to implement that.

like image 943
user1683517 Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 15:09


People also ask

How do I change the login screen on Windows 7?

Windows Vista and Windows 7Press Ctrl + Alt + Del and click Switch user. Click Start. In the Start menu, next to the Shut down button, click the arrow icon that points to the right. Select Switch user from the menu.

How do I show the login screen?

Here's how to do it: On the locked screen where you can't see the login screen, press any key or click the screen with your mouse. By doing so, it will take you to the next page. Then press Ctrl key, Alt key, and Delete key at the same time.

1 Answers

what you are trying to do is use Windows Interactive Logon Architecture

Windows Vista examples here (Credential Providers)

Windows 7 technet article

like image 73
SeanC Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
