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How to display the names over named ranges in Excel?



I accidentally dicovered that Excel 2010 can automatically display the names of named regions over them as some kind of an overlay layer:

Excel 2010 displays named ranges over their respective region

Based on my findings this occurs if two conditions are met:

  • the view zoom level is not greater than 39%
  • the name defines a range that is bigger than a single cell (but is still a single area)

Did you know this? Is this a bug or a feature?

How could I intentionally turn on this feature at possibly any zoom level?

like image 653
Greenberet Avatar asked Oct 15 '15 08:10


1 Answers

Interesting result; I found so little on it that your post was on the first page of Bing's search results. It seems per here: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/119051-dont-display-range-name-when-zooming.html that even though there is a command to make that name not appear when zoomed below 40%, there does not seem to be a command to change the threshold from 40% to something else.

You could perhaps use VBA code to move translucent word art shapes to align with the top left cell in any named range, but seems like a lot of work unless you have a specific payoff in mind.

like image 85
Grade 'Eh' Bacon Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

Grade 'Eh' Bacon