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How to display success message using autoform in meteor?



I am using https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-autoform for one of my meteor collections. I am using quickForm and type insert. Here is the relevant code:

<template name="postInsert">
   <legend>Add your story here</legend>
   {{> quickForm collection="Posts" id="insertPostForm" type="insert" buttonContent="Post!" resetOnSuccess=true}}

This form submits and creates the post successfully. But it doesn't display a success message. I know I can use the onSuccess hooks and write my own success message. But I was wondering if there is a standard way to display success message using an autoform configuration?

I looked through the documentation on github and searched a bit, but all solutions point to using the onSuccess hooks. Any pointers here are appreciated

like image 455
Anurag Phadke Avatar asked Oct 10 '14 03:10

Anurag Phadke

2 Answers

After extensive search it turns out, onSuccess hooks ARE the standard way to display a success message. Here is my implementation of the same for completeness and for anyone else who might stumble upon this question in the future.

NEW Autoform 6.0.0

onSuccess: function(formType, result) {


AutoForm.addHooks(['postInsert', 'postUpdate'], {
  onSuccess: function(operation, result, template) {

The use of AutoForm.addHooks keeps the code DRY allowing reuse for update as well as insert operations.

Also I am using the excellent flash-messages to display all my user messages. Highly recommended.

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Anurag Phadke Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 16:01

Anurag Phadke

I don't have enough reputation to comment, but according to the documentation, it seems Autoform.addHooks now takes the formId.

So you would bind your autoform with id 'insertPostForm' using

AutoForm.addHooks(['insertPostForm'], {
     onSuccess: function (operation, result, template) {
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DFish Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 18:01
