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How to display something when filtering is slow using AngularJS


People also ask

Which one is correct way to apply filters in AngularJS?

Filters can be applied to the result of another filter. This is called "chaining" and uses the following syntax: {{ expression | filter1 | filter2 | ... }} E.g. the markup {{ 1234 | number:2 }} formats the number 1234 with 2 decimal points using the number filter.

What of the following is the correct way for applying multiple filters in AngularJS?

What of the following is the correct way for applying multiple filters in AngularJS ? Explanation: The correct syntax for applying the multiple filters is{{ expression | filter1 | filter2}}.

In angular I have a table and a search box where user can type and angular will search among the data and display a table. The problem is that I have enough data that filtering can get slowed down, in this case, I would like to display a spinner:

Sample similar to my html:

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">

Search: <input ng-model="searchText">
<table id="searchTextResults">
  <tr ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:searchText">
<div class='myspinner' > <!-- display only if filtering is occurring -->

The question is, how can I display a spinner each time that filtering is occurring?

CSS for spinner div:

.myspinner {
       position: absolute;
       left: 45%;
       top: 45%;
       margin:0px auto;
       position: absolute;
       -webkit-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
       -moz-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
       -o-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
       animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
       border-left:6px solid rgba(0,170,240,.25);
       border-left: 6px solid rgba(0,170,240,.25);
       border-right: 6px solid rgba(0,170,240,.25);
       border-bottom: 6px solid rgba(0,170,240,.25);
       border-top: 6px solid rgba(0,170,240,.6);

link to plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/NcbPPcxL1rk0ZBKpbqZG?p=preview