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How to display return value summary in MSVS intellisense? [duplicate]

In C# at least, MSVS intellisense displays information about functions and their parameters in the summary tags. There is also a return tag for description of the return value.

This page talks about viewing the function signature and parameters http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/25cey46e(v=VS.90).aspx but what about the return value description?

Currently, I right click on the function and "go to definition" but i hope it can display inline as a tooltip.

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Jake Avatar asked Oct 19 '11 08:10


People also ask

What is IntelliSense write steps to view IntelliSense?

IntelliSense is a code-completion aid that includes a number of features: List Members, Parameter Info, Quick Info, and Complete Word. These features help you to learn more about the code you're using, keep track of the parameters you're typing, and add calls to properties and methods with only a few keystrokes.

Why is my IntelliSense not working?

If you find IntelliSense has stopped working, the language service may not be running. Try restarting VS Code and this should solve the issue. If you are still missing IntelliSense features after installing a language extension, open an issue in the repository of the language extension.

How to enable IntelliSense in Visual Studio?

To access this options page, choose Tools > Options, and then choose Text Editor > C# > IntelliSense.

1 Answers

If you are using Resharper, try CTRL+Shift+F1 (VS-Key Scheme) or CTRL+Q (ReSharper Key Scheme), it displays Quick documentation, inclusive return type. See http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/coding_assistance.html#Quick_Documentation

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Jan K. Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09

Jan K.