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How to display multiple pictures stacked on top of each other in JavaScript


On a web page, I want to show a list of albums and next to each album name i want to show a stacked list of pictures on top of each other. What is the best way to dynamically take a list of pictures and have them stacked on top of each other

Here is an example:

picture of images stack atop one another

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leora Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 04:09


3 Answers

Why not just build one? it wouldn't be hard. Here is a small rotate prototype i've worked up (took maybe 5 minutes to write)

Element.prototype.rotate = function(d) {     var s = "rotate(" + d + "deg)";     if (this.style) { // regular DOM Object         this.style.MozTransform = s;         this.style.WebkitTransform = s;         this.style.OTransform = s;         this.style.transform = s;     }     this.setAttribute("rotation", d); }; 

then you can use to it rotate a list of images.. see (not very good :P) example here

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How is this for close-to-the-example? i think a few angles may be off... Example Output

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rlemon Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10


To rotate the images you either need the new CSS3 features or a canvas element, new to HTML5.

Writing some JS functions to aid you in the rotating process it's a matter of minutes.

I would say the best library is the one you write.

Anyway, if I had to choose one I would choose Raphael.

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Jose Faeti Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10

Jose Faeti

Libraries will just help you out with manipulating the dom and responding to events. The answer lies in the way you see the problem, how you will represent the data, how you will handle the dynamic data that comes to you.

Images are html elements, so they can be manipulated with CSS3 like Jose Faeti said. Now for the dynamic part I would suggest you take a look at backbone.js (http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/).

In a few words, backbone.js will help you defined albums and pictures as standalone entities, hook views to those data models - views that will automatically adapt when new data comes via ajax from the server - and to top it all of, it uses jQuery for dom selection, so:

1) You get a nice OOP-ish approach to defining your images data
2) You get a nice Model-View View-Model relationship that updates itself easily
3) You get jQuery as a dom selection and manipulation tool

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Vlad Nicula Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Vlad Nicula