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How to display "loading" icon over a table while waiting for AJAX request to be completed?



I have a page that does an ajax request to the server. the server return "table rows" html code then I place that code into the table.

here is an example of the server answer

<td>This is a cell</td>
<td>this is a second cell</td>
<td>this is a third cell</td>

In my page when I want to load the results that are coming back fromt here server I have this code

<table id="main">
<tbody id="results">

this is a example of my jquery

        $.getJSON("ajax/loader-display-previos-calls.php", {
            account_id: <?php echo $account_id; ?>
        },function (data) {

            if ( ! data) 


        ).done( function(){

                moreText: 'read more',
                lessText: 'read less',
                showChars: '100'


What I am trying to do here is to display a loading icon over the existing table. I am looking to 1) place a transparent block to cover the whole table 2) place a loading icon in the middle of this transparent block.

I have tried this

$('#results').html('<img src="images/ajaxSpinner.gif" alt="please wait..." style="width: 100px; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -50px; margin-top: -50px;display: block;"/>');

this will display a spinner icon in the center of the page.

basically I sill want to show the current results with a loading icon until the server send back the request.

How can I make the table and it's content transparent then place the loading icon in the center of it?

like image 917
Jaylen Avatar asked Nov 18 '13 17:11


People also ask

How can you tell whether an AJAX request has been successfully completed?

By determining the readyState property value of XMLHttpReqyest, One can know if the request is completed. If the readyState value = 4, the request has been completed and the data is available.

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

Cut and paste whatever code you need to execute in the callback function passed to success . Some good answer is already provided.

1 Answers

I think you're looking for ajaxStart() and ajaxComplete()

Add this to your script within:


And add this HTML tag anywhere:

<div class="mask">

And add this to your CSS:

  display: none; /*This hides the mask*/

  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: relative; /*required for z-index*/
  z-index: 1000; /*puts on top of everything*/
  background-image: url (loading-icon.png);
like image 110
Geoffrey Burdett Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Geoffrey Burdett