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How to display a .ipynb file on github?

I have a following problem. I have uploaded a .ipynb file to my github repository. However, github cannot display my code and writes "Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?". What might be a problem here, please?

enter image description here

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rama27 Avatar asked Jul 13 '20 15:07


2 Answers

The same issue happens to me sometimes, I think it is related to GitHub's backend, size of the file and network connection. However you can use https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/ and paste the link in it. this site is independent from GitHub but it will solve your problem.

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Hassan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


If your file name is correct "name.ipynb", with no typos or special symbols, then it is not a problem you can fix. It's an issue on GitHub's end. Unfortunately there is no solution for this. You can report a bug to GitHub, try later, or alternatively open your notebook in Jupyter

jupyter notebook

command in cmd.

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Dennis Kozevnikoff Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

Dennis Kozevnikoff