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How to Disable/Enable WYSIWYG editor in Magento 1.4



When entering code in CMS static block(possible page as well) and in this code there is empty DIV tags such us:

       <a href="javascript:hide1(),show2(),hide3()"><div class="dropoff_button"></div></a>    

The DIV tags will be gone next time you open the block to edit. it will look as this

       <a href="javascript:hide1(),show2(),hide3()">  </a>     without the div tags  

...and saving again it modifies your code.

I think it something to do with the 'show/hide editor'. By default it goes into the WYSIWYG editor, so when updating static block i don't see any other solution than 1."hide the editor' by clicking 'show/hide editor' 2.delete the old code from the editor 3. get code that doesn't miss the DIVs 4. Merge new code with code in 3 in some other editing software than magento 5. paste result in the magento editor, 6. Save

Is this bug? What is your solution? Can i turn of WYSIWYG editor?

like image 372
latvian Avatar asked May 06 '10 19:05


People also ask

How do I disable wysiwyg Magento 2?

Go to: Admin > Configuration > General > Content Management > Enable WYSIWYG Editor and select Disabled by default as shown in below picture.

1 Answers

This may not be consider as an answer but it solved our problem. It turns out that the editor WYSIWYG can be disabled by completely or by default at Admin->System->Configuration. Under 'General Tab' there is 'Content Management' section and there you can set different modes for this editor.

In our case we set to "Disable by Default" so that any time we open static block it does not clean the code only if we choose by clicking "Show/Hide Editor"

like image 172
latvian Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
