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How to disable/enable a button with a checkbox if checked [duplicate]

Please i need a script that can work with the HTML code bellow to disable/enable the button when a checkbox is checked or unchecked,

<input type="submit" name="sendNewSms" class="inputButton" id="sendNewSms" value=" Send " />

please pals i don't mean the button to be disabled when checked, but rather the other way round.

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Destiny Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 18:08


People also ask

How do you disable a checkbox if it is checked?

Using attr() function attr('disabled'); This function also takes a parameter to specify the property or the task that the selected element or checkbox is applied to. Whereas this function specifies the property for the checkbox object and it is specified as “disabled” for disabling the checkbox object.

How do you disable a button until a checkbox is checked in angular?

We will use the Angular JS directive named ng-disabled to disable the button by unchecking the box. Please refer to AngularJS ng-disabled Directive. The ng-disabled directive is used to enable or disable the HTML elements.

How do I make a button disabled?

The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the button should be disabled. A disabled button is unusable and un-clickable. The disabled attribute can be set to keep a user from clicking on the button until some other condition has been met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.).

4 Answers

You can use onchangeevent of the checkbox to enable/disable button based on checked value

<input type="submit" name="sendNewSms" class="inputButton" id="sendNewSms" value=" Send " />

<input type="checkbox"  onchange="document.getElementById('sendNewSms').disabled = !this.checked;" />
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Yuriy Galanter Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Yuriy Galanter


<input type="checkbox" id="checkme"/><input type="submit" name="sendNewSms" class="inputButton" id="sendNewSms" value=" Send " />


var checker = document.getElementById('checkme');
var sendbtn = document.getElementById('sendNewSms');
checker.onchange = function() {
  sendbtn.disabled = !!this.checked;


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brbcoding Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10


You will have to use javascript, or the JQuery framework to do that. her is an example using Jquery

   $('#toggle').click(function () {
        //check if checkbox is checked
        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {

            $('#sendNewSms').removeAttr('disabled'); //enable input

        } else {
            $('#sendNewSms').attr('disabled', true); //disable input

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/T6hvz/

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srakl Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


brbcoding have been able to help me with the appropriate coding i needed, here is it


<input type="checkbox" id="checkme"/>
  <input type="submit" name="sendNewSms" class="inputButton" disabled="disabled" id="sendNewSms" value=" Send " />


 var checker = document.getElementById('checkme');
 var sendbtn = document.getElementById('sendNewSms');
 // when unchecked or checked, run the function
 checker.onchange = function(){
    sendbtn.disabled = false;
} else {
    sendbtn.disabled = true;

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Destiny Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10
