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How to disable Xcode 5 automatically upgrade xibs to iOS7 appearance

If you open an Xcode 4.x project at Xcode 5 and then open a xib at Interface Builder, you will get an alert:

XCode ask to upgrade pre iOS7 xibs to iOS7 only

NOTE: I only have the issues with the forced iOS7 appearance, auto layout is still turned off for me.

And then i accidentally clicked "Alway Upgrade" so Xcode automatically upgrades all my xibs to Xcode 5 and iOS7 prior. But i use Xcode 4.x parallel and it's very annoying to switching back all the xibs when i accidentally open them in Xcode 5.

Before opened in XCode 5 interface builder:

Interface Builder Document with opens in XCode 4.6 and View as 6.1 and earlier

After opened in XCode 5 interface builder:

Interface Builder Document with opens in XCode 5.0 and View as 7.0 and later

I searched in Xcode and on Google to get the way to turn this "feature" off, but i still have no luck about it.

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Laszlo Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 08:07


2 Answers

In the File Inspector for the xib (cmd-opt-1), you can change the "Opens in" popup to say "Xcode 4.6". This will revert the document format to one that is compatible with Xcode 4.6, but it also means you will not be able to take advantage of some of the new capabilities in Xcode with regards to xibs.

If you want to "reset" the "Always upgrade" choice you made, you can do that by resetting that particular user default using Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dt.xcode IBAlwaysUpgradeAutolayoutDocuments -bool false
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Dave DeLong Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Dave DeLong

I have tried the above solutions, but as other users pointed out, didn't seem to work well... Strangely, after downloading Cocktail for Mac, and cleaning up broken preference as well as caches and other junk (which I did just to maintain my aging Mac) the "Always Upgrade" mistake was finally fixed!!

I haven't bought cocktail, honestly, you can use it for free for ten launches or something. So, you can go ahead and get your Mac cleaned up and fix that burden along the way.

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Mazyod Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
