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How to disable WebStorm semicolon check?

How to disable WebStorm semicolon check in Node.js?

I have tried the following method but they do not work:

  • Checked out the option use semicolon to terminate statement
  • Changed JavaScript version to ecma6
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Haven Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 09:07


1 Answers

  1. Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections
  2. JavaScript | Code style issues | Unterminated statement -- disable this inspection

You can also reach the same inspection by:

  1. Placing caret on problematic place in your Editor and bringing Quick Fix menu (Alt + Enter or by clicking on light bulb icon)
  2. Choosing right option in appeared menu (if not sure which one then try step #3 for few of them)
  3. Arrow Right (or click on small triangle on the right side) to open submenu
  4. Choose desired action

P.S. JSLinh/JSHint and alike may also produce such warnings if you are using these tools.

As for the actual code generated by IDE (e.g. when using Code | Reformat... or using code completion popup/functionality) -- such option is available at

  • Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript (similar path for TypeScript)
  • Punctuation tab

enter image description here

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LazyOne Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
