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How to disable (View Source) and (Ctrl + C ) from my site



Is there a chance to disable these two things from my site? (View Source) and (Ctrl + C )

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Bhavi Avatar asked Jun 24 '09 10:06


People also ask

How do I disable Ctrl C on my website?

To disable "Ctrl + C" put this script. function keypressed() {;return false;}document. onkeydown=keypressed;// End -->Then put this script to disable the right click: var message="Function Disabled!"; function clickIE4(){ if (event. button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.

How do I turn off view source on my website?

Any Javascript you code can be rendered moot by simply turning off Javascript on the browser (or using a plugin like NoScript). Additionally, there's no way to disable the ability of any user to simply "view source" or "view page info" (or use wget) for your site.

2 Answers

This isn't possible. You could try to somehow obfuscate the code, but you need to send something to client, don't you? You could use AJAX calls to load your html. This way, the source that the browser will show could be almost empty. However, there is nothing you can do to prevent an experienced user from viewing everything you are sending to the client. In fact there are so many tools he/she can use to reconstruct the page that any technique you will fight hard to apply, will only delay him/her for a couple of minutes.

Regarding the Ctrl-C you could add javascript to block it, but it is useless, since the user can always disable javascript. In fact many users will find interception of right-click very annoying.

All these could have a meaning if you are building an intranet application or you can ship an integrated browser for users to view the application. With public html, I believe it isn't even worth trying. One solution would be to build your application with flash or another plug-in. This way you can encrypt everything you've sent to the client.

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kgiannakakis Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10


It's possible to disable CTRL+U and CTRL+C. This may work:

shortcut = {
all_shortcuts: {},
  add: function (e, t, n) {
    var r = {
      type: "keydown",
      propagate: !1,
      disable_in_input: !1,
      target: document,
      keycode: !1
    if (n) for (var i in r) "undefined" == typeof n[i] && (n[i] = r[i]);
    else n = r;
    r = n.target, "string" == typeof n.target && (r = document.getElementById(n.target)), e = e.toLowerCase(), i = function (r) {
      r = r || window.event;
      if (n.disable_in_input) {
        var i;
        r.target ? i = r.target : r.srcElement && (i = r.srcElement), 3 == i.nodeType && (i = i.parentNode);
        if ("INPUT" == i.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == i.tagName) return
      r.keyCode ? code = r.keyCode : r.which && (code = r.which), i = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(), 188 == code && (i = ","), 190 == code && (i = ".");
      var s = e.split("+"),
        o = 0,
        u = {
          "`": "~",
          1: "!",
          2: "@",
          3: "#",
          4: "$",
          5: "%",
          6: "^",
          7: "&",
          8: "*",
          9: "(",
          0: ")",
          "-": "_",
          "=": "+",
          ";": ":",
          "'": '"',
          ",": "<",
          ".": ">",
          "/": "?",
          "\\": "|"
        }, f = {
          esc: 27,
          escape: 27,
          tab: 9,
          space: 32,
          "return": 13,
          enter: 13,
          backspace: 8,
          scrolllock: 145,
          scroll_lock: 145,
          scroll: 145,
          capslock: 20,
          caps_lock: 20,
          caps: 20,
          numlock: 144,
          num_lock: 144,
          num: 144,
          pause: 19,
          "break": 19,
          insert: 45,
          home: 36,
          "delete": 46,
          end: 35,
          pageup: 33,
          page_up: 33,
          pu: 33,
          pagedown: 34,
          page_down: 34,
          pd: 34,
          left: 37,
          up: 38,
          right: 39,
          down: 40,
          f1: 112,
          f2: 113,
          f3: 114,
          f4: 115,
          f5: 116,
          f6: 117,
          f7: 118,
          f8: 119,
          f9: 120,
          f10: 121,
          f11: 122,
          f12: 123
        }, l = !1,
        c = !1,
        h = !1,
        p = !1,
        d = !1,
        v = !1,
        m = !1,
        y = !1;
      r.ctrlKey && (p = !0), r.shiftKey && (c = !0), r.altKey && (v = !0), r.metaKey && (y = !0);
      for (var b = 0; k = s[b], b < s.length; b++) "ctrl" == k || "control" == k ? (o++, h = !0) : "shift" == k ? (o++, l = !0) : "alt" == k ? (o++, d = !0) : "meta" == k ? (o++, m = !0) : 1 < k.length ? f[k] == code && o++ : n.keycode ? n.keycode == code && o++ : i == k ? o++ : u[i] && r.shiftKey && (i = u[i], i == k && o++);
      if (o == s.length && p == h && c == l && v == d && y == m && (t(r), !n.propagate)) return r.cancelBubble = !0, r.returnValue = !1, r.stopPropagation && (r.stopPropagation(), r.preventDefault()), !1
    }, this.all_shortcuts[e] = {
      callback: i,
      target: r,
      event: n.type
    }, r.addEventListener ? r.addEventListener(n.type, i, !1) : r.attachEvent ? r.attachEvent("on" + n.type, i) : r["on" + n.type] = i
  remove: function (e) {
    var e = e.toLowerCase(),
      t = this.all_shortcuts[e];
    delete this.all_shortcuts[e];
    if (t) {
      var e = t.event,
        n = t.target,
        t = t.callback;
      n.detachEvent ? n.detachEvent("on" + e, t) : n.removeEventListener ? n.removeEventListener(e, t, !1) : n["on" + e] = !1
 // Script to be executed when user press CTRL+U;This also disable and cancel the CTRL+U method
// Script to be executed when user press CTRL+C;This also disable and cancel the CTRL+C method

For demo, you can visit my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/dVSRM/

So the conclusion is it's possible to disable the CTRL+U and CTRL+C. But the high-grade plagiarism can know this and never uses the shortcut to view the source code. This tips can be for your reference if someone make a question about disabling the view source shortcut. But the CTRL+C is include in this script.

This is my script. Thank you. See you later!

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user2307363 Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10
